ingen mer myspace för Stephenie

 Den 4de Juni skrev Stephenie Meyer det här på sin hemsida :

A quick fyi: I am taking down my bloated myspace page. It was a lot of fun while it lasted, and I really miss the early days when I could hang out with people online. Many of you are hilarious and insightful, and I wish it was easier for me to talk to everyone the way I used to.

With the myspace no longer in existence, I can now clearly state that-beside than this website-there is no other outlet where I communicate with people online. I do not have a facebook page, and I have never had one. I don't do twitter. So if you're communicating with someone online that you think is me, it's not.
Hope you all are having a great summer so far! If you're looking for some beach reading, you might try Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson and the Olympians series if you haven't already. My son finally finished book five yesterday so I could read it today. It was a fantastic end to a fantastic series. I tip my hat to you, Mr. Riordan!


2 juni !

Kom på nyss att det är den 2 juni idag , vilket betyder att det var exakt 6 år sedan som stephenie meyer drömde om första boken twilight ! Läste i några andra bloggar som tyckte att 2 juni borde heta "the twilight day" eller liknande , det tycker jag också ! vore det inte coolt om twilight fick ha en egen dag ? i min almanacka kommer det iallafall stå så (:
Undrar hur man skulle kunna fira dagen , inte genom att dricka blod precis .. Man kan ju givetvis läsa och kolla på twilight men vad skulle man annars kunna göra ? några ideér ? (:


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